Monday, November 25, 2019

Representation Analysis

Representation 101

There are many things that should be taken into account when viewing and advertisement. For example, gender, social class, age, race/ethnicity and so much more. The "H&M" advertisement shows all of this. In the advertisements there were people of different races and genders, and even different sexuality, in one shot there was even a child. They showed that their clothes and company are not specific to one age group or to ones race, but instead showed that the clothing they produce is meant for everyone in the world to enjoy. When the audience sees these various types of representation it makes them feel more welcomed and willing to purchase said product, this is because it is meant for a larger group of people. No one would like to buy something that is not meant for them, so they advertise for everyone. 

While it is important to appeal to many different groups it is sometimes more important to appeal to a specific one. In this case this is what tide has done. They have focused on a mother who has a young daughter who isn't girly but instead using wooden building blocks to make a "car garage" and her clothes are always messy. The mother go on saying how tide is amazing at taking out the stains but sometimes wishes it wasn't so she can throw those dirty clothes away! In the advertisement they are focusing on mothers who do laundry specifically. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019



Genre conventions - content 

Essentially, comedy films are designed to elicit laughter from the audience. These films are typically light-hearted dramas made to amuse, entertain, cause an increased sense of enjoyment from the audience. They over exaggerate situations with the use of the language, actions, and characters. These films typically end in happy endings even though a lot of the time the humor may have a serious side. 

July 25, 2008
The film step-brothers uses verbal content which is the verbal absurdity of dialogues. In this comedy these older men in their like 40's who have no jobs or anything adult like. Their parents get married to each other and they become step brothers who hate each other. They over exaggerate their actions to get a laugh out of the audience which they successfully mange to do.  This is typically not what you'd see in real life so that is why this comedy was as successful as it is. In one particularly hilarious scene the two step brothers start to get along and make a bunk bed. The top bunk breaks crushing the step brother on the bottom and then essentially all hell breaks lose with jokes flying left and right.

Image result for spaceballs
Spaceballs: June 24 ,1987 

The film Spaceballs is a parody or spoof usually take a humorous or anarchic take that makes fun of a certain film to generate laughter. Spaceballs is a parody of the first star wars film. The whole point of spoofs are to make fun of and imitate serious films. 

Genre conventions - production techniques 

The production techniques in comedies are used to make sure the audience laugh and get the most enjoyable and humorous experience possible. 

Props: very important in comedy, these are objects used by characters that may hurt a character. Props are typically used in slapstick comedies. 

The lighting that is commonly used would be bright or natural light because this generates a more realistic environment. The bright happy colors are used to show the happiness that typically follows comedic films, due to this most scenes are films in the day. 

Sound is a very important aspect, The dialogue needs to be clear to make sure that it can be easily heard and laughed at. Non dietetic sounds are also important because they can add empathize on certain scenes. 

Camerawork/shots: Medium shots are typically used in comedies or shots that have characters filmed in a way that shows equality and that no character is better than the other charter. 

Institutional conventions - How is genre marketed 

Comedy is marketed with quick paced trailers that are typically bright colored with jokes and show a famous actor like Mark Whalberg or Kevin Hart to try and lure the viewers into coming to see the film in theaters. The target audience is typically Teens to young adults (17-25) These films are normally rated R or PG-13  

Examples of Comedies: 

Image result for tedImage result for neighbors

Image result for grown ups

Image result for comedy movies

Image result for comedy movies
