Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Disco Fever

Our film is the story of a struggling actor who abuses drugs and alcohol. The story is set in the 80's. This decade is probably the mos memorable decade of all due to the disco fever that spread across the nation. People started to care more about what they wore and how their image looked, because of this people thought that having the right clothes and brands made you better than others. It was a time of materialistic values and flaunting ones wealth. 80's fashion was basically "big and bright". People had weird hairstyles and weird clothes. Spandex and other fabrics that are smooth like silk were often used.

Image result for womens 80s outfit

Clothing brands such as Reebok, Nike, and Adidas became really popular in this decade. Sunglasses became a craze in the 80's especially Ray Ban Wayfarer and Aviator sunglasses. Actors, musicians, and other celebrities started to help endorse brands that sponsored them. High tops became popular due to stars like Micheal Jackson. This really helped the shoe industry and shoe companies such as converse started to be worn by a lot of people. Everyone thought that if a celebrity wore this then it must be good and everyone has to buy it. 

Image result for jeans and high top nike from 80sImage result for 80s guy with aviators

With fashion being so heavily influenced by actors and other celebrities, it is important in our film that we use some of the 80's stereotypes. The main character of our film is an actor named Keith Floyd, he abuses drugs such as cocaine. A effect of cocaine is sensitivity to light so it wouldn't be unusual for him to wear sunglasses even indoors. This is one part of his outfit that we could have. Jeans were very popular in the 80's also along with high top shoes. Keith could wear a bright designer shirt with jeans and high top Nike sneakers and ray ban aviators which would be a common outfit from the 80's and him being a celebrity would certainly help because he could be endorsing these popular brands. 

Source: Guestblogger. “The Complete Guide to 80s Fashion.” TPS Blog, 12 Feb. 2019,

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