Saturday, February 29, 2020


Ryan has just completed a rough draft of the screenplay. After reading the entire draft I think it is pretty solid. I think how Cole Pines acts like a parent to Keith works really well. Keith has basically given up on his life and doesn't really care if he fixes it. It makes sense to have a character whether it be a manager or a best friend who genuinely cares about Keith. Having this type of relationship can be a sort of moral compass that Keith so desperately needs. 

Towards the end of this picture of part of the screenplay, you can see how it says "Keith pulls out a flask of liquor out of the inside of his coat and drinks it." Personally, I don't think this works well. I feel like it should be more of Keith just listening to Cole but not paying attention. A sort of in one ear and out situation. The idea is that Keith does something stupid during the interview and gets kicked off the set. I feel as if it would be better if he pulls out the flask during the 10 seconds before going on air where he is standing around in a daze and looking baffled. In this situation it's an immediate red flag that could be ignored by the interviewer and people in the crowd, but this would make them feel uncomfortable and add a lot more tension to the scene.

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