Thursday, March 5, 2020

Group Reviews

On March 3, 2020 we partook in group reviews in class. The group reviews were fairly simply, we basically just got in groups of 5-7 and everyone had to give a detailed description about their film opening. I described the information about our film idea with the struggling actor and the drug problems. I got a lot of positive feedback and so did Ryan, Ed, and Manuel. I got a lot of input that could be helpful with the project such as potential film locations and filming techniques. Someone recommend POV and over the the shoulder shot when the manager is speaking to the actor. Another shot that could be cool would be a high angle to show that the actor is sort of losing a power struggle in his life and is less superior to the manager who actually knows what he is doing and has his life on track. Other than that the group spoke today of when we could finally go shopping for the outfits needed for filming, and also location scouting. Everyone decided that Saturday would be the perfect time to actually scout and buy the needed outfits.

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